Cheese Straws

My first attempt at making these cheese straws was a learning experience. If the dough mixture is too thick it’s a nightmare to get through a cookie press. If the dough mixture is too thin the straw will flatten out as they bake and you’ll end up with a pan full of sadness. But, I … Continue reading “Cheese Straws”

Reindeer Noses

Oh yummy! Fun-to-eat (and make!) Reindeer noses make for great holiday treats! We love making a big ole batch of ‘noses’ and sharing them with my wife’s co-workers. How can you make these without smiling? How can you eat them without smiling? You can’t! They’re great! Creamy chocolate, crunchy sweet M&Ms and salty pretzels. The … Continue reading “Reindeer Noses”

Herbed Wonton Crisps

These little herbed wonton crisps are beyond easy to make and they pack a lot of flavor. They’re very light so you can eat a good handful or two and not feel guilty about it. You can make them several different ways, so they’re great for parties! A Blank Canvas For Flavor I’ve made these … Continue reading “Herbed Wonton Crisps”

Homemade Pizza Rolls

Back when I was knee-high to a grasshopper I was lucky enough to live right next to my school. That meant that some days I could run home and grab a quick lunch (while watching The Gong Show, but that’s a whole other story). Now, mom usually made me a sandwich or maybe heated some … Continue reading “Homemade Pizza Rolls”

Bacon Weave BLTs

It was a beautiful spring day here in Indianapolis. That had me wishing it was summer and fresh tomatoes were available. I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to make a few BLTs, even if the tomatoes weren’t perfect. Sometimes, you have to do what you have to do. But to make up for the … Continue reading “Bacon Weave BLTs”