Homer Laughlin Kitchen Kraft Covered Jar

Here is my Kitchen Kraft Covered Jar made by The Homer Laughlin China Company.  I found this recently for a great price and it is in perfect condition.  The covered jar was made in three different sizes.  The largest is over 7 inches tall, the medium is over 6 inches tall and the small is over 4 inches tall.  Mine has an Art Deco leaf pattern, but they also came in solid colors in red, cobalt, green and yellow.  Production began in 1937 and ended in 1944.  The solid colors are hard to find and are pretty expensive.

Homer Laughlin Kitchen Kraft Covered Jar

This picture shows the covered jug with a Hall pitcher.  I don’t collect Hall, but I have a few pieces.  The Homer Laughlin China Company bought The Hall China Company a few years ago.  I have visited Homer Laughlin a couple of times and the last time I went, I also visited the Hall China Company.

Also check out my Homer Laughlin Marigold.