Char-Broil Big Easy Cooking Rack

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Update 12/18/2016: I can no longer find the Big Easy cooking rack on Char-Broil’s website, so it doesn’t appear to be available at this time. I asked Char-Broil and there doesn’t seem to be a plan to bring the rack back. Please ask them to offer it again on their Facebook page or website. In the meantime, just grab some extra baskets and get to cooking!

Check out my Big Easy Add-Ons page for other accessories (like the bunk bed basket) that will give you more cooking area in your Big Easy. Thanks ~Mike

I cook on my Char-Broil Big Easy practically every day. Everything from nachos to turkeys and anything in between. But, it does lack space for cooking things like chicken wings, which is why I came up with the Wingin’ator 3000 a few years back. To make things easier, Char-Broil recently came out with a cooking rack for the Big Easy. It’s a little different than my Wingin’ator, but it has more space. I’ve been using it for a whole bunch of foods that I couldn’t cook before.

Char-Broil Big Easy Cooking Rack

The Design

The rack consists of a cage, or frame, that is rectangular in shape. It has a simple handle at the top. It’s very easy to assemble. Two of the sides of the cage have little indentations where you can rest individual grates, up to 6 in total. The grates do not attach to the cage, they sit there, so they can move around a bit. You do need to be careful loading them with food as you don’t want to get one side much heavier than the other or it’ll tip. You’ll also want to be careful carrying the rack. The grates are approximately 2″ apart, giving you more than enough room to insert chicken or whatever you are cooking.

Easy Cooking, Easy Clean Up

The rack by itself is perfect for cooking things like wings or chicken breasts. And it’s pretty easy to clean up. Just toss the grates into the dishwasher. If you do handwash them, do so with care as the grates are thin and might break or bend under a lot of pressure.

A Whole Lot Of Cooking Space

One of the really great things about the rack is that you can also add 9″ pie plates on top of each grate. Well, you might be able to get 6 in, but 3-5 is more like it. You have to angle the pans just a bit to slide them in, so you have to be careful if you’re cooking something runny, like a frittata for example. I picked up some el cheapo 9″ pie pans at the grocery store for less than $3 a piece. They are non-stick and have worked absolutely fantastic on the Big Easy for nachos, fries…. you name it!

Char-Broil Big Easy Cooking Rack with Pie Pans

The rack is (or rather, was) available directly from Char-Broil at this link.

Love your Big Easy as much I love mine? Check out my Big Easy Add-Ons page and my free Big Easy eCookbook!

6 thoughts on “Char-Broil Big Easy Cooking Rack”

    1. Hi Scott. I just checked Char-Broil’s site and it seems that the rack isn’t there any more. That’s very disappointing. I’ll ask them tomorrow if they plan on bringing it back and if I find out anything useful I’ll post it here.


  1. I haven’t been able to find it either. I tried to make one myself today. Not enough air flow. Do you use it with the circular big easy? I can’t figure out how the square frame fits in the circular base?

  2. I buy the cheap disposable aluminum grill pans at the Dollar Tree. Cut the corners so they lay flat the cut circles larger than the Big easy basket. Cut into the circles every couple of inches them put into the basket and bend the edges over to create racks. We’ve done this to cook wings and works great. After you’re done cooking, remove and toss! Easy clean up!

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