I love smoked chuck roast. It’s something I make quite often. I usually end up chopping it for sandwiches, but I also cut it into small bites for chili. Yum. This time I decided to try something a little different by marinating the chuck roast overnight first in a wonderful marinade packed with a little sweet, a little citrus, a little soy and a hint of Worcestershire. Nothing in-your-face strong, this smoked marinated chuck roast was full over flavor through-and-through.

You Can Add A Bit Of Heat…
Now, if you do want a little heat in your smoked marinated chuck roast don’t be afraid to add some hot sauce to the marinade. To get the meat truly tender you want to get to at least 200 F. And do not let any of the juices go to waste. Add them back in to the chopped or sliced meat. It’s really great stuff! If you prefer your chuck roast a little spicier, try my fiery smoked chuck roast or my smoked pepper stout beef.
I prefer to use fruit or nut woods when I smoke unless I want a heavier smoke flavor. Pecan, apple or cherry are my favorites. I went with apple when I smoked this chuck.