If you’re looking for something to amaze and bewilder your guests, dragon eggs are a great place to start. The eggs take a little time to get that awesome look but it’s worth it just to see everyone’s response to them. On the inside they’re pretty much your standard smoked eggs, but they have a wonderfully spicy smoky flavor to them. Besides eating them right out of the shell, they are great chopped into an egg salad too.
They Do Take Some Patience
Shelling these dragon eggs did turn out to be a little bit of a chore. They do take a bit of patience but you’ll be rewarded in the end. Next time I won’t hesitate to double or even triple the recipe. More dragon eggs is more better, in my opinion.
I prefer to use fruit or nut woods when I smoke unless I want a heavier smoke flavor. Pecan, apple or cherry are my favorites. I used apple when I made these eggs.