On Sundays I often find myself wanting to make a little something, a little treat or snack, for my wife to take into work the next day and share with her co-workers. I try and mix it up but I usually end up making something sweet like these chocolate-dipped peanut butter Bugles. Yep, they’re just as good as you’re thinking. Bugles piped full of creamy peanut butter, then dipped in melted chocolate. After a little time passes for the chocolate to harden they’re ready to devour. Ok, sure, some didn’t quit finish setting up before I ate them. That’s going to happen.

Tip #1
There’s two tricks to getting chocolate-dipped peanut butter Bugles just right. First, you have to dig through the bag and find all the treats with big openings. I actually bought two bags to make sure I got enough of them. Fear not, because I’ll use the less-than-pretty ones to make both Sriracha Bugles and Ragin’ Cajun Cheddar Bugles.
Tip #2
The second thing to keep in mind is that you need to thin the peanut butter down enough to be able to pipe it. But, you don’t want it so thin that it just runs right out of the ole Bugles, you know? It’s easy enough to fix if you get the mix too thin – just add more peanut butter. And of course if it’s too thick add a bit (a bit!) more water.
Also try my turtle graham bars and my crazy-easy slow cooker white chocolate peppermint pretzel candy.
Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter Bugles
- 1 7 1/2 ounce Bugles
- 1 cup creamy peanut butter
- ⅓ cup powdered sugar
- Water
- 1 12 ounce milk chocolate chips or semi-sweet
- Line two large baking sheets with wax paper.
- Sort thru the bag of Bugles and remove those with wide openings at the end. Munch on the rest!
- Place peanut butter, sugar and 2 teaspoons of water into a mixer. Beat until smooth. You might have to add a bit more water. You want it thin enough to be able to pipe but not so thin that it’s runny.
- Melt chocolate chips per package instructions.
- Transfer peanut butter mixture to a piping bag or icing dispenser.
- Pipe peanut butter into the Bugles then drip into the chocolate. Place onto the wax paper-lined baking sheets.
- Let chocolate set up completely before serving. You can place them in the fridge to hurry them along.
- Store in an air-tight container.
Nutritional values are approximate.